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Mastering the art of website planning: A step-by-step guide

A well-designed website is a powerful tool for brands. However, to create a website that truly captivates and engages visitors, careful planning is essential. The process of planning your website pages (aka wireframing) allows you to strategically organise your content, structure your navigation, and optimise the user experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to plan your wireframe effectively, ensuring a seamless and intuitive browsing experience for your audience.

Define Your Website Goals

Before diving into the planning process, clearly define your website's objectives. Are you aiming to generate leads, showcase your portfolio, or sell products? Understanding your goals will help shape your website's structure and content strategy.

Identify Key Pages

Start by identifying the core pages that will make up your website. This typically includes the home page, about page, services or products page, contact page, and any additional pages specific to your business or industry. Consider the information your target audience is seeking and ensure each page serves a purpose.

Create a Site Map

Develop a visual representation of your website's structure using a site map. This outline will illustrate how each page relates to one another and ensure a logical flow for users. Start with the main navigation (for example, Home, Services, Blog, Contact) and branch out to subpages, if needed. This step helps you visualise the user journey and aids in content organisation. Future You will thank you for taking this step!

Content Planning

With the site map in place, focus on planning the content for each page. Consider the information you want to convey, including text, images, videos, and any interactive elements. Align your content with your website goals, keeping it concise, engaging, and relevant to your target audience. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability and accessibility. Consider your audience and the content that will speak to them.

Design Considerations

Think about the overall design and visual elements that will enhance the user experience. Consider your branding guidelines, colour palette, typography, and imagery choices. Don’t have these branding elements? We can help you with branding packages. Ensure consistency across pages to maintain a cohesive brand identity. Keep in mind the importance of responsive design, making sure your website is optimised for various devices.

Calls to Action

Make it as easy as possible for your potential clients to take the actions you want them to - usually to contact you so you can convert them to clients! Define the actions you want your visitors to take on each page, whether it's filling out a form, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter. Incorporate clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs) strategically throughout your website to guide users toward their next steps.

SEO Optimisation

Consider search engine optimisation (SEO) when planning your website pages. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant terms and incorporate them naturally into your content, meta tags, headings, and URLs. Plan for SEO-friendly URL structures, page titles, and meta descriptions to improve visibility in search engine results. There are some great FREE tools for keyword research and this article from Ahrefs lists some of my favourites.

regular Updates and Maintenance

Website management is an ongoing process. Plan for regular updates and maintenance to ensure your content remains fresh and relevant. Stay attuned to user feedback and analytics to make data-driven decisions and continuously optimise your website. We can help you with ongoing content updates and SEO optimisation with prices starting at $85/month. Find out more about our website design and maintenance packages.